The Wooden Birdhouse

The Unconventional Gardener

My $50 Greenhouse Tent

Well, not really but it was a start. I paid a little more for this one but have since seen it advertised for $50. If you add the $25 heater and additional $50 worth of growing supplies you can have the complete package for about $125.

My $50 Greenhouse

So here is my review: it withstood 40 mph winds with the 45 pound barbell weight holding it down, 8 inches of heavy wet snow, and we had temperatures down to 20 degrees at night. The small Sunbeam heater has a thermostat and keeps the greenhouse at 70 degrees at night on a low setting. The problem we had was ventilation. During bright sunny days it can easily get over 100 degrees inside and we had to cut holes in the top to let heat escape. At night we cover them with duct tape.

We bought a seed germination kit which composed of a heat mat, a plastic tray and clear plastic cover. It worked very well and we were able to germinate very small seeds in less than a week. Once the seedlings grew large enough to transplant into bigger containers, we moved them to 72 cell flats. The greenhouse holds 14 flats. By the end of the season, we completely filled the greenhouse with mixed cut flowers and veggies for the garden.

Visit my Build Greenhouse from Scratch Page

Tent greenhouse kits can be a good option for certain gardening and plant cultivation needs, but their effectiveness depends on various factors. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


  • Affordability: Tent greenhouse kits are often more budget-friendly compared to more permanent greenhouse structures.
  • Portability: These kits are usually easy to set up and take down, making them portable and suitable for renters or those who may want to change the location of their greenhouse.
  • Space Efficiency: Tent greenhouses are available in various sizes, making them suitable for both small and large spaces. They are a good option if you have limited space.
  • Temperature Control: Many tent greenhouses come with features like zippered openings and vents, allowing you to control the temperature and ventilation within the greenhouse.
  • Lightweight Construction: The materials used in tent greenhouse kits are often lightweight, making them easy to move and assemble without the need for heavy construction.


  • Durability: Tent greenhouses may not be as durable as permanent structures. The materials used are generally lighter and may not withstand harsh weather conditions, such as heavy snow or strong winds, as well as more permanent structures.
  • Limited Insulation: Compared to traditional greenhouses, tent greenhouses may have less insulation, which can impact their ability to maintain a consistent temperature, especially in extreme weather conditions.
  • Limited Lifespan: Due to their lightweight construction, tent greenhouses may have a shorter lifespan compared to more permanent structures.
  • Limited Features: Tent greenhouses may not offer as many features as permanent structures, such as integrated irrigation systems or advanced climate control.
  • Seasonal Use: Depending on the material and design, some tent greenhouses may be more suitable for seasonal use rather than year-round cultivation.

Before purchasing a tent greenhouse kit, consider your specific needs, the local climate, and the types of plants you plan to grow. If you are looking for a more durable and permanent solution, you might want to explore other greenhouse options. If portability and cost are more critical considerations, a tent greenhouse could be a practical choice for your gardening needs.