Plywood Cat Shelter


Building a wooden cat shelter from plywood is a great way to provide a safe and comfortable outdoor space for stray cats or outdoor cats during harsh weather conditions.

Here is the video I created for cat shelter I built for a ferrel cat

Materials You'll Need:

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to build a simple cat shelter:

Design and Planning

Before you start cutting your plywood, design your cat shelter. A simple design involves two pieces for the sides, one for the back, one for the roof, and one for the front with a small entrance. You can customize the size and shape according to your needs.

Cut the Plywood

Measure and mark the dimensions on the plywood sheets according to your design. Use a saw to cut the pieces. You'll need the following parts:

Assemble the Shelter

Assemble the shelter using screws or nails. You can pre-drill holes to prevent the wood from splitting. Attach the side panels to the back panel to form an A-frame structure. Attach the roof panel to the top. Leave an overhang on the roof to prevent rain from entering.

Leave the front panel unattached for now; this will be the door with the entrance for the cats.

Create the Entrance

Cut a small hole in the front panel to serve as the entrance for the cats. It should be large enough for a cat to fit through but not too big to allow larger animals to enter. You can use a jigsaw or a hole saw to make the opening.

Insulate the Shelter

To keep the shelter warm, insulate it with materials like straw, foam board, or old blankets. Line the interior with these materials, ensuring that the cats have a cozy and warm environment.

Paint or Seal (Optional)

To protect the plywood from the elements and make it more visually appealing, you can paint the shelter with outdoor paint or seal it with a waterproof sealant. This step is optional but can extend the life of the shelter.

Place the Shelter

Find a suitable location for the cat shelter where it's safe from predators, has good drainage, and is easily accessible to the cats. You can elevate it slightly off the ground to prevent moisture from seeping in.

Make sure to regularly clean and maintain the shelter to keep it in good condition for the cats.

Building a wooden cat shelter is a practical and humane way to provide outdoor cats with a safe and comfortable space, especially during cold or inclement weather.